Mac での Play20 開発環境構築は brew install play だけ
書くまでもない感じですが、以下のように Homebrew だけですぐに play コマンドを使えるようになります。
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(/usr/bin/curl -fksSL" (省略) $ brew install play ==> Downloading (省略) /usr/local/Cellar/play/2.0: 2496 files, 119M, built in 17 seconds $ play new hello-play (省略) _ _ _ __ | | __ _ _ _| | | '_ \| |/ _' | || |_| | __/|_|\____|\__ (_) |_| |__/ play! 2.0, The new application will be created in /Users/seratch/hello-play What is the application name? > hello-play Which template do you want to use for this new application? 1 - Create a simple Scala application 2 - Create a simple Java application 3 - Create an empty project > 1 OK, application hello-play is created. Have fun! $ cd hello-play/ $ play [info] Loading project definition from /Users/seratch/hello-play/project [info] Set current project to hello-play (in build file:/Users/seratch/hello-play/) _ _ _ __ | | __ _ _ _| | | '_ \| |/ _' | || |_| | __/|_|\____|\__ (_) |_| |__/ play! 2.0, > Type "help play" or "license" for more information. > Type "exit" or use Ctrl+D to leave this console. [hello-play] $ run [info] Updating {file:/Users/seratch/hello-play/}hello-play... [info] Done updating. --- (Running the application from SBT, auto-reloading is enabled) --- [info] play - Listening for HTTP on port 9000... (Server started, use Ctrl+D to stop and go back to the console...) [info] Compiling 5 Scala sources and 1 Java source to /Users/seratch/hello-play/target/scala-2.9.1/classes... [info] play - Application started (Dev)